In Today’s lifestyle, the most concerning thing is maintaining healthy dietary habits. Edible seeds and millets play a vital role in human diets. One such crucial edible seed is Bajra. Since ancient times, this cereal grain has been exceptional in many traditional kitchens. Sadly many people are still not aware of its nutritional benefits. Thus, this article will introduce the audience to the benefits of its different dishes and their nutritional content. Besides, you may find some delicious recipes here.

Benefits of Bajra on various diseases

Traditionally, the term ‘Bajra’ is related to the Hindi name; the scientific name is Pennisetum glaucum. The common name of Bajra is Pearl millet. It is popularly cultivated in various locations in India, Africa, and other countries. The convenient agricultural facility makes it affordable and healthy food options for citizens of many developing nations. Let’s look at how dishes prepared with Bajra fit our lifestyle well.

Benefit #1: Diabetes controller

Apart from cardiovascular diseases, the second chronic disease is diabetes. From children to adults, everybody is getting affected by these unhealthy physical conditions. The most alarming thing is diabetes further affects other vital organs like the kidney and eyes. Clinical practitioners and researchers have pointed out unhealthy lifestyle habits as the root cause of diabetes.

A good grain choice is highly imperative to protect you and your family from any long-term diseases. Anybody who has diabetes can consume Bajra as primary grains. Fibre-rich foods are always a blessing for diabetic patients. The lower Glycemic Index (GI), if compared with white rice and bread, makes it an excellent breakfast or lunch option. The GI value of most millets ranges from 43 to 68. So, it’s far better than any refined food product.

Benefit #2: Constant sources of essential minerals

You will agree that beauty is incomplete without healthy glowing skin. Hair, nails, and skin all require a constant supply of essential minerals and vitamins. To maintain such balance, people are taking the help of supplements. But, mostly, these supplements have serious side effects. So, it’s important to intake the right foods instead of gulping vitamin pills.

Bajra includes content like protein, niacin, iron, zinc, folate, and Vitamin B6. Besides, the constant supply of omega-3 fatty acids needs to be considered. You might observe that rural people consume Bajra to maintain healthy hair and nails. Regular intake of this cereal may devoid the chances of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Benefit #3: Weight loss blessings

Three out of six people are struggling with weight loss challenges. Some may get bored with strict diets; many possibly lack regular physical training. We understand that for workaholic people, it is challenging to maintain strict protocols. So, you can do one thing, include a bowl of Bajra in your daily diet. Considering the source of complex carbohydrates, pearl millets can make you full for a long time. The calorie density is pretty low. Live a vibrant life without wasting time counting calories or binging on snacks.

Chart of nutrition

The popularity of Bajra came to the limelight when scientists discovered its nutritional benefits. Bajra is a protein, magnesium, fiber, iron, and phosphorus power pack. So, you can replace it with anything like oats, quinoa, or rice. Here is the nutritional profile of Bajra dishes.

Calories 201
Carbohydrates 40 gms
Protein 6 gms
Fat 1.7 gm
Fibre 2 gms
Sodium 286 mg
Magnesium 18% of DV
Iron 6% of DV
Phosphorus 14% of DV
Zinc 14% of DV
Folate 8% of DV
Niacin 14% of DV
Thiamin 15% of DV
Vitamin B6 11% of DV
Riboflavin 11% of DV


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Bajra 10kg grains Pearl Millet
Bajra 10kg Grains Pearl Millet
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