GOLDEN MILLETS Pasta It does not contain any preservatives or additives. In addition, it is high in protein and contains vitamins and minerals, making it a great choice for a healthy meal. This includes Little Millet Pasta ( लिट्टेल पास्ता / समा पास्ता / कुटकी पास्ता) of 150g for 1 servings time. Tastemaker to make chatpata pasta is included, if you want more spices feel free to add them from your end You can add vegetables & cheese as per your taste. Cooking Healthy pasta masala is now easy for anyone as millet pasta is good for health.

Why is Golden Millet good for your health?

Nutrient-rich Millet pasta for kids is low in cholesterol and saturated fat and contains essential vitamins and minerals. Easy to cook Millet pasta is quick, easy, and convenient to prepare.

1. Suitability for children. By choosing Millet pasta for kids you’re ensuring that your children consume healthier grains without compromising taste.

2. our millet Pasta offers a convenient and nutritious meal option for those expecting mothers. these are High-protein pasta that also has essential nutrients, they support maternal health during pregnancy and provide the energy needed for the demands of motherhood.

3. Our all products contain no Maida, no preservatives and no artificial ingredients.

4. Millets Pasta offers a guilt-free indulgence for pasta lovers, allowing them to enjoy their favourite dish without compromising health or taste.

5. Healthy Millets Pasta is free from harmful chemicals or additives.

6. Little millet benefits: Low glycemic index, Weight management, Digestive health, Gluten-free, Nutrient-rich like protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals.Little millet in hindi is known as लिट्टेल or समा or कुटकी.

How differences between Millet Pasta and Maida Pasta?

  • Ingredients: Millet pasta is made from millets like Barnyard, jowar, bajra, or ragi, while Maida pasta is made from refined wheat flour (maida).
  • Nutrition: Millet pasta is high in protein, fibre, and minerals like iron and calcium, whereas Maida pasta is low in nutrients and high in empty calories.
  • Glycemic Index: Millet pasta has a lower glycemic index, making it suitable for people with diabetes, while Maida pasta can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar.
  • Digestibility: Millet pasta is easier to digest due to its high fibre content, whereas Maida pasta can be difficult to digest, especially for those with gluten intolerance.
  • Taste and Texture: Millet pasta has a nutty flavour and chewy texture, while Maida pasta has a neutral taste and soft texture.

Overall, Millet pasta is a healthier and more nutritious option compared to Maida pasta.

Weight 150 kg

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Little Millet Pasta Easy cook 0% maida
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