Start Your Siridhaniya Millets Journey For Easy Weight Loss

Start Your Siridhaniya Millets Journey For Easy Weight Loss

Since childhood, you must have heard of the typical mother’s saying, fibers are vital for muscle growth. As we grow, our busy lifestyle pushes us to live on fast foods. Many people even find it challenging to manage time for cooking. This results in unhealthy weight gain. Siridhanya millets are one such superfood that is easy to cook and tastes delicious. Let’s find more detail to start your millet journey immediately.

Why millets?

When it comes to planning a healthy diet, one needs to consider all nutritional elements like protein, carbohydrates and fats. Besides, all the food items mentioned in the diet plan must provide essential macro and micro compounds to your body. Siridhanya Millets are something new to many people. This tiny seed can be the best choice for replacing rice or wheat. 

Rural people have had millet since ancient times. Thus, millet was once called the poor people's food. There are several reasons why nutritionists add at least one millet dish to your regular diet plan. Let’s analyze this in a detailed manner.

  • No need to count calories

The main concern of a dietician while preparing for a balanced diet plan is to find low-calorie yet fulfilling dishes. However, cereal and grains are often not enough to meet such concerns. Here, Siridhanya Millets come in handy. It is versatile to cook any dish. Additionally, millet supplies constant energy due to having healthy nutritional content.

  • Gluten-free choice

Many people are allergic to gluten. They suffer from bloating and constipation upon consuming wheat dishes. Preparing diets for such people or patients having celiac disease is challenging. Millets are one superfood anybody can consume. You can make cookies, roti, naan, cake, or anything just like your regular wheat flour. 

  • Immunity booster

One thing you need to be cautious about: the weight loss journey may not invite weaker immunity. Diet is not about skipping meals; instead, distributing your entire food plan in small proportions. When you skip breakfast or lunch - the lack of essential nutrients can result in fatal conditions. It is best to add Siridhanya Millets so that they can take care of your immunity. Foxtail millet, Sorghum and Pearl millet are some of the best grains which never cause any nutritional deficit upon regular consumption.

What are Siridhanya millets?

You may find multiple varieties of millet in the market. However, there are five positive millets, known as Siridhanya Millets, namely Foxtail millets, Little Millets, Kodo Millets, Browntop Millet and Barnyard Millets. 

Siridhanya Millets are loaded with healthy fats, proteins and carbs. The essence of fiber is solely wholesome for the digestive system. But there are lots of varieties of millets. Here’s presenting the top must-have variety for your kitchen.

Learn more about Siridhanya millets - The 5 magical grains

  1. Foxtail 

Foxtail millet is a great grain that delivers essential macronutrients to our bodies. It is yellow in colour; locally, you may find it as Korralu in the market. This tiny seeded grain primarily grows in semi-arid regions of Asian and African nations. 


  • Foxtail millets are mainly popular due to their high fibre and mineral content. It includes around 8% of dietary fibre. The fibre content is higher than quinoa. So, eating a bowl of foxtail dishes can fasten your weight loss process. 
  • This yellow millet is packed in iron, calcium and phosphorus. Thus, it takes care of connective tissue, bone formation and nerve functioning. S, adults can have a meal to reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis, spondylitis, and inflammation. 
  • It controls brain functioning. Researchers even claim that regular consumption by elderly people reduces the prospect of dementia. The main reason is the presence of high vitamin B1, which cures Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease by supplying constant oxygenated blood to the brain. 

  1. Browntop 

Browntop millets are native to India, China, the United States, and Australia. The tiny seeds are greenish in color and locally called Andu Korralu. These slow-growing grains possess excellent benefits due to fiber content as high as 12.5%. 


  • This low-calorie millet delivers a constant supply of fiber, iron, and calcium. The presence of iron and calcium led to the fortification of strong bones. It helps to cure any muscle disorder. 
  • Gut health is vital to remove all the toxins from our bodies. Browntop millet contains high fibers. Thus it helps in metabolism. The absence of gluten protein cures constipation, fistula and pile by smoothening our bowel movement process. 

  1. Barnyard 

Barnyard is an off-white wild-seeded grain containing around 10% of fiber. It takes 45 days to grow and is locally famous as Oodalu, Shyama and Sanwa. 


  • Barnyard millets are extremely helpful in regulating liver functioning. It reduces cases of jaundice and hepatitis. Even it can aid early cure of liver damage caused due to alcohol consumption.
  •  Oodalu is rich in calcium, phosphorus and phytochemicals. It is a low-calorie, low-GI diet. 

  1. Kodo

Kodo or Arke millets are a great botanical species that are drought resistant. The size of reddish pin seeds is around 1.5 to 2 mm. However, the grass grows up to 40 cm in height. 


  • In Ayurveda, Kodo millets are considered blood purifiers. So, women must have this millet as it affects menstrual problems. The presence of iron also cures low hemoglobin problems.
  • Being an excellent source of phytochemicals and antioxidants, the seeds absorb bad cholesterol from the blood. It clears toxins from our body and is even effective on Hyperlipidemia. 

  1. Little millet

Little millets or Samalu is comparatively less popular. This creamy white seed includes 10% of dietary fibre. 


  • Vitamin B content is higher than other millets. So, Samalu is effective in many chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and thyroid. 
  • The iron content is around 9.3 mg. Thus, it regulates our reproductive organs and cures hormonal problems.

In sum, Siridhanya Millets are versatile grains. These ancient seeded grains are power packed with iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants. So, make a new addition to your diet plan for today by adding Siridhanya millets. Do not hesitate to try our Siridhanya Millet combo offer for the best value. 

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